It takes too much time to configure the environment, so try to use good out-of-the-box tools

BackgroundSince I wanted to update my local development environment, I tried to redeploy the my Neovim Script. I once wrote a Neovim configuration script purely in Lua language, which basically suits my uasage habit. It has some features such as syntax highlighting, fuzzy search of file and word, word auto-completion, code snippets, and on-click deployment. Here is my Neovim Script Link: JackNvim. Friends in need may refer to it. However, recently I found that the packer.nvim plugin manager used by JackNvim has stopped being maintained :cry:. If I continue to use Neovim, I need to migrate to other plugin managers, which is really troublesome! So I am considering using an out-of-the-box editor to replace Neovim in command line.



背景由于想要更新一下本地的开发环境,所以尝试重新部署了一下我的neovim脚本。我曾经写过一个纯lua语言的neovim配置脚本,它基本符合的我的使用习惯。它具备语法高亮、文件和符号的模糊搜索、代码片段补全、单词补全、一键部署等功能。 这是我的Neovim的脚本链接:JackNvim。有需要的朋友或许可以参考。 然而,最近我发现JackNvim使用Packer.nvim插件管理器已经停止维护了:cry:。如果继续使用neovim的时候,可能需要迁移到其他的插件管理器,这太麻烦了!所以在命令行下,我考虑使用一个开箱即用的工具来代替neovim。
